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EP8 Recap | Dr. Rebecca Heiss: How our instincts hold us back from being our best self

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Exploring the Power of Human Instincts

Dive into a dynamic conversation with Dr. Rebecca Heiss as we explore the intricacies of human instincts. Instead of vilifying them, learn to work with and regulate these instincts to create a competitive advantage.

Understanding Baseline Instincts

Delve into the discussion on baseline instincts—evolved to keep us alive. Discover how to create awareness, increase capacity, and leverage instincts for personal and professional growth.

Meet Dr. Rebecca Heiss

Discover the life work of Dr. Rebecca Heiss, a researcher whose work has been deemed transformative by the National Science Foundation. As the founder and CEO of Icueity, she offers insights into continuous feedback for self-awareness.

Overcoming Fear: Rebecca’s Outlook

Unpack Rebecca’s outlook on fear as she challenges limiting stories and shortcuts in our minds. Explore the notion of leaning into discomfort, making enemies of fear-based instincts, and truly living a thrilling life.

The Book: “Instinct” (Expected March 2021)

Learn about Rebecca’s upcoming book, “Instinct,” expected to release in March 2021. Gain a sneak peek into the profound insights she offers on human instincts and personal growth.

Fearless Living: Embrace the Thrill

Join the conversation as we encourage fearless living, challenging societal voices and embracing discomfort. Discover how pushing back on instincts can lead to personal and collective growth.

About Dr. Rebecca Heiss

Get to know Dr. Rebecca Heiss, founder and CEO of Icueity, a thought leader dedicated to unpacking human paradoxes and pushing back on fear-based instincts. Explore her impactful contributions to education and continuous feedback.

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