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EP19 Recap | Oscar Trimboli: How can we develop deep listening skills?

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Have you ever faced the consequences of not truly listening? Join us on the Ultrahabits show as we delve into the art of deep listening with our special guest, Oscar Trimboli. Oscar is a mentor, professional speaker, business consultant, and the author of the acclaimed book “Deep Listening.”

Oscar Trimboli: The Deep Listening Expert

Discover the wisdom of Oscar Trimboli, whose Yoda-like qualities have earned him admiration and Yoda statues from all corners. His insights into deep listening make him an ideal guest for the Ultrahabits show.

The Decline of Deep Listening

As our host reflects on personal experiences, the decline of deep listening is acknowledged. Growing into adulthood and a results-driven mindset led to a shift from meaningful dialogue to agenda-driven conversations.

Challenges in the Business Context

Explore the challenges faced in the business context, including perceived rush and overcommunication, exacerbated by the influence of social media.

Overcoming Inhibitors to Deep Listening

Oscar Trimboli provides solutions to the inhibitors of deep listening. Learn about a simple online quiz that identifies your listening villains, offering insights into improving your listening skills.

The Accessibility of Deep Listening

Contrary to common misconceptions, deep listening is accessible to all. In the conversation, Oscar elaborates on how to train oneself in this skill and leverage it to create value for oneself and others.

The Unrecognized Impact of Poor Listening

Discover the unseen consequences of poor listening, such as missed opportunities in deals or promotions. Oscar sheds light on the importance of deep listening in various aspects of life.

A Call to Action

Explore the episode and truly absorb the insights shared. Gain a new appreciation for the superpower of listening and its transformative potential.

Join us on this enlightening journey with Oscar Trimboli and emerge with a heightened understanding of the significance of deep listening in personal and professional spheres.


RJ Singh

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